For the month of July 2019



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FEMSA Announces Second Quarter 2019 Results


Monterrey, Mexico, July 25, 2019 — Fomento Económico Mexicano, S.A.B. de C.V. (“FEMSA”) (NYSE: FMX; BMV: FEMSAUBD) announced today its operational and financial results for the second quarter of 2019.




·9.4% revenue growth (6.7% on an organic1 basis) at FEMSA Consolidated
·180 basis point gross margin expansion at FEMSA Comercio’s Proximity Division
·13.9% revenue growth (0.1% on an organic1 basis) at FEMSA Comercio’s Health Division
·7.8% revenue growth at FEMSA Comercio’s Fuel Division
·7.6% revenue growth (5.1% on an organic1 basis) at Coca-Cola FEMSA


Change vs. Comparable Results2
   Revenues   Gross Profit   Income
from Operations
   Same-Store Sales 
   2Q19   YTD19   2Q19   YTD19   2Q19   YTD19   2Q19   YTD19 
FEMSA CONSOLIDATED   9.4%   7.7%   9.7%   8.9%   8.3%   4.9%          
FEMSA COMERCIO                                        
Proximity Division   11.3%   10.4%   16.6%   17.1%   15.4%   14.3%   6.2%   4.8%
Health Division   13.9%   8.4%   10.9%   5.3%   (3.0)%   (3.3)%   (2.6)%   (0.7)%
Fuel Division   7.8%   5.3%   33.1%   28.9%   32.6%   24.0%   (0.0)%   (3.6)%
COCA-COLA FEMSA   7.6%   6.5%   6.0%   4.9%   6.2%   2.8%          


Eduardo Padilla, FEMSA’s CEO, commented:


“FEMSA delivered solid results in the second quarter, which was an interesting one from a calendar standpoint. We had tailwinds from the Holy Week shift in April, as well as a tough comparison base from last year’s World Cup that began in June. However, a key positive theme across most of our operations was one of strong revenue growth driven by healthy pricing, that in turn allowed us to deliver margin expansion at FEMSA Comercio’s Proximity and Fuel Divisions. At the Health Division, our Mexican operations continued to perform well but were overshadowed by soft results and unfavorable foreign exchange dynamics in Chile, while Colombia continued to expand, and we were happy to close the acquisition of GPF in Ecuador during the quarter. For its part, Coca-Cola FEMSA also achieved strong top-line dynamics in most of its markets, which flowed all the way down the income statement.”



1 Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.

2 Comparable Results: Starting on the first quarter of 2019, we adopted the International Financial Reporting Standard 16 – “Leases” (“IFRS 16”) across all our business units. The Comparable Results is a set of numbers which estimate the retroactive effect that the adoption of IFRS 16 would have had on FEMSA’s 2018 financial results. The performance comparisons expressed in this document will be made relative to the Comparable Results unless stated otherwise.





Results are compared to the same period of previous year


femsa consolidateD


2Q19 Financial Summary
(Millions of Ps.)
       Comparable           Reported 1 
   2Q19   2Q18   Var.*   Org.*   2Q18 
Revenues   128,213    117,191    9.4%   6.7%   117,191 
Income from Operations   11,936    11,020    8.3%   6.6%   10,409 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   9.3    9.4    -10 bps         8.9 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   18,982    17,453    8.8%   6.6%   14,959 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   14.8    14.9    -10 bps         12.8 
Net Income   7,747    10,469    (26.0)%        10,777 
*vs.Comparable Results



(Millions of Ps.)

As of June 30, 2019  Ps.   US$ 4 
Cash   70,472    3,669 
Short-term debt   20,360    1,060 
Long-term debt 5   96,565    5,027 
Net debt 5   46,453    2,418 


Total revenues increased 9.4% in 2Q19 compared to 2Q18, reflecting growth across all business units. On an organic basis,2 total revenues grew 6.7%.


Gross profit grew 9.7%. Gross margin expanded 10 basis points, mainly driven by strong expansion at FEMSA Comercio’s Proximity and Fuel Divisions, partially offset by a contraction at Coca-Cola FEMSA and FEMSA Comercio’s Health Division.


Income from operations increased 8.3%. On an organic basis,2 income from operations increased 6.6%. Consolidated operating margin decreased 10 basis points to 9.3% of total revenues, reflecting margin contraction at Coca-Cola FEMSA and FEMSA Comercio’s Health Division. These were largely offset by margin expansion at FEMSA Comercio’s Proximity and Fuel Divisions.


Income tax was Ps. 2,174 million in 2Q19.


Net consolidated income decreased 26.0% to Ps. 7,747 million, as the increase in our Income from operations described above did not fully offset a non-cash foreign exchange loss related to FEMSA’s U.S. dollar-denominated cash position as impacted by the appreciation of the Mexican peso.


Net majority income was Ps. 1.58 per FEMSA Unit3 and US$0.82 per FEMSA ADS.


Capital expenditures amounted to Ps. 6,130 million, reflecting higher investments at most of our business units.



1 Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted for the discontinued operations of Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines.

2 Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.

3 FEMSA Units consist of FEMSA BD Units and FEMSA B Units. Each FEMSA BD Unit is comprised of one Series B Share, two Series D-B Shares and two Series D-L Shares. Each FEMSA B Unit is comprised of five Series B Shares. The number of FEMSA Units outstanding as of June 30, 2019 was 3,578,226,270, equivalent to the total number of FEMSA Shares outstanding as of the same date, divided by 5.

4 The exchange rate published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for June 28, 2019 was 19.2089 MXN per USD.

5 Includes the effect of derivative financial instruments on long-term debt.


July 25, 20192 





2Q19 Financial Summary
(Millions of Ps. except same-stores sales)
       Comparable           Reported 1 
   2Q19   2Q18   Var.*   Org.*   2Q18 
Same-store sales (thousands of Ps.)   822    774    6.2%        774 
Revenues   47,190    42,387    11.3%   11.0%   42,387 
Income from Operations   4,633    4,014    15.4%   14.2%   3,603 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   9.8    9.5    30 bps         8.5 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   7,067    6,172    14.5%   12.9%   4,876 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   15.0    14.6    40 bps         11.5 

*vs.Comparable Results


July 25, 20193 



Total revenues increased 11.3% in 2Q19 compared to 2Q18. On an organic basis,2 total revenues grew 11.0%, reflecting the opening of 375 net new OXXO stores in the quarter to reach 1,312 total net new store openings for the last twelve months. As of June 30, 2019, FEMSA Comercio’s Proximity Division had a total of 18,608 OXXO stores. OXXO’s same-store sales increased an average of 6.2%, driven by 7.5% growth in average customer ticket, which was partially offset by a decrease of 1.1% in store traffic.


Gross profit reached 39.8% of total revenues, reflecting: i) sustained growth of the services category including income from financial services; ii) healthy trends in our commercial income activity; iii) increased and more efficient promotional programs with our key supplier partners; and iv) the consolidation of Caffenio.


Income from operations amounted to 9.8% of total revenues. Operating expenses increased 17.0% to Ps. 14,149 million, above revenues, mainly reflecting: i) our continuing initiative to strengthen our compensation structure of key in-store personnel in a tight labor market, including the gradual shift from commission-based store teams to employee-based teams; ii) higher secure cash handling costs driven by increased volume and higher operational costs; and iii) the consolidation of Caffenio.



1 Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted to reflect the change from Retail Division to Proximity Division implemented since September 2018.

2 Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.


July 25, 20194 





2Q19 Financial Summary
(Millions of Ps. except same-stores sales)
       Comparable           Reported 
   2Q19   2Q18   Var.*   Org.*   2Q18 
Same-store sales (thousands of Ps.)   1,477    1,516    (2.6)%        1,516 
Revenues   15,246    13,380    13.9%   0.1%   13,380 
Income from Operations   664    684    (3.0)%   (9.3)%   634 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   4.4    5.1    -70 bps         4.7 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   1,379    1,366    0.9%   (5.5)%   886 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   9.0    10.2    -120 bps         6.6 
*vs.Comparable Results



Total revenues increased 13.9% in 2Q19 compared to 2Q18. On an organic basis,1 total revenues grew 0.1% reflecting steady trends in Mexico and Chile, offset by a negative currency translation effect related to the appreciation of the Mexican peso compared to the Chilean and Colombian pesos. As of June 30, 2019, FEMSA Comercio’s Health Division had a total of 3,061 points of sale across our territories. This figure reflects the addition of 677 net new stores in the quarter including the integration of Corporación GPF, to reach 810 total net new store additions for the last twelve months. Same-store sales for drugstores decreased an average of 2.6%, reflecting the negative currency translation effect mentioned above.


Gross profit represented 29.8% of total revenues, reflecting; i) a demanding comparison base in our operations in South America, where gross margin expanded above trend in 2Q18; ii) new pricing regulations in Colombia; and iii) increased promotional activity in Chile. These were partially offset by improved efficiency and more effective collaboration and execution with our key supplier partners in Mexico.


Income from operations amounted to 4.4% of total revenues. Operating expenses increased 13.7% to Ps. 3,877 million, as cost efficiencies and tight expense control across our legacy territories were more than offset by the consolidation of Corporación GPF, which has a relatively higher operating expense structure.



1 Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.


July 25, 20195 





2Q19 Financial Summary
(Millions of Ps. except same-stations sales)
       Comparable       Reported 
   2Q19   2Q18   Var.*   2Q18 
Same-station sales (thousands of Ps.)   7,818    7,818    (0.0)%   7,818 
Revenues   12,415    11,511    7.8%   11,511 
Income from Operations   283    213    32.6%   82 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   2.3    1.9    40 bps    0.7 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   547    407    34.3%   122 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   4.4    3.5    90 bps    1.1 
*vs.Comparable Results



Total revenues increased 7.8% in 2Q19 compared to 2Q18, reflecting the addition of 1 net new OXXO GAS station in the quarter to reach 42 total net new stations in the last twelve months, representing an increase of 8.4% in total service stations. As of June 30, 2019, FEMSA Comercio’s Fuel Division had a total of 541 OXXO GAS service stations. Same-station sales remained flat, as average volume decreased and offset pricing gains.


Gross profit reached 9.8% of total revenues.


Income from operations amounted to 2.3% of total revenues. Operating expenses increased 33.2% to Ps. 936 million, above revenues, reflecting: i) higher wages and improved compensation structures for our in-station personnel aimed at reducing turnover in a tight labor market; and ii) expenses related to the transition into the OXXO GAS brand.


July 25, 20196 



Results are compared to the same period of previous year


femsa consolidated


Financial Summary for the First Six Months
(Millions of Ps.)
       Comparable           Reported 1 
   2019   2018   Var.*   Org.   2018 
Revenues   244,371    226,939    7.7%   5.4%   226,939 
Income from Operations   20,932    19,961    4.9%   2.9%   18,701 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   8.6    8.8    -20 bps         8.2 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   34,628    32,416    6.8%   4.3%   27,424 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   14.2    14.3    -10 bps         12.1 
Net Income   11,605    11,702    (0.8)%        12,254 

*vs.Comparable Results


Total revenues increased 7.7%, reflecting solid growth across all business units. On an organic basis,2 total revenues increased 5.4%.


Gross profit increased 8.9%. Gross margin increased 50 basis points to 37.2% of total revenues, reflecting gross margin expansion across FEMSA Comercio’s Proximity and Fuel Divisions, partially offset by a contraction at Coca-Cola FEMSA and FEMSA Comercio’s Health Division.


Income from operations increased 4.9%. On an organic basis,2 it increased 2.9%. Our consolidated operating margin decreased 20 basis points to 8.6% of total revenues, reflecting: i) an operating margin contraction at Coca-Cola FEMSA and FEMSA Comercio Health Division, ii) the faster growth of FEMSA Comercio’s three divisions, whose lower margins tend to compress FEMSA’s consolidated margins over time.


Net consolidated income decreased 0.8% to Ps. 11,605 million, as the increase in our Income from Operations described above did not fully offset a non-cash foreign exchange loss related to FEMSA’s U.S. dollar-denominated cash position as impacted by the appreciation of the Mexican peso.


Net majority income per FEMSA Unit3 was Ps. 2.20 (US$1.15 per ADS).


Capital expenditures amounted to Ps. 10,220 million, reflecting higher investments in most business units.



1 Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted for the discontinued operations of Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines.

2 Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.

3 FEMSA Units consist of FEMSA BD Units and FEMSA B Units. Each FEMSA BD Unit is comprised of one Series B Share, two Series D-B Shares and two Series D-L Shares. Each FEMSA B Unit is comprised of five Series B Shares. The number of FEMSA Units outstanding as of June 30, 2019 was 3,578,226,270, equivalent to the total number of FEMSA Shares outstanding as of the same date, divided by 5.


July 25, 20197 



femsa comercio – PROXIMITY division


Financial Summary for the First Six Months
(Millions of Ps. except same-stores sales)
       Comparable           Reported 1 
   2019   2018   Var.*   Org.   2018 
Same-store sales (thousands of Ps.)   776    740    4.8%        740 
Revenues   88,440    80,134    10.4%   9.9%   80,134 
Income from Operations   7,281    6,368    14.3%   12.7%   5,559 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   8.2    7.9    30 bps         6.9 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   12,081    10,620    13.8%   11.7%   8,060 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   13.7    13.3    40 bps         10.1 
*vs.Comparable Results


Total revenues increased 10.4%. OXXO’s same-store sales increased an average of 4.8%, driven by a 5.0% increase in average customer ticket and a 0.1% decrease in store traffic. On an organic basis,2 total revenues increased 9.9%.


Gross profit reached 39.2% of total revenues.


Income from operations amounted to 8.2% of total revenues. Operating expenses increased 17.9% to Ps. 27,355 million.


femsa comercio – health division


Financial Summary for the First Six Months
(Millions of Ps. except same-stores sales)
       Comparable           Reported 
   2019   2018   Var.*   Org.   2018 
Same-store sales (thousands of Ps.)   1,494    1,505    (0.7)%        1,505 
Revenues   28,004    25,834    8.4%   1.2%   25,834 
Income from Operations   980    1,013    (3.3)%   (7.6)%   914 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   3.5    3.9    -40 bps         3.5 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   2,374    2,371    0.1%   (3.6)%   1,417 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   8.5    9.2    -70 bps         5.5 
*vs.Comparable Results

Total revenues increased by 8.4%. Same-store sales for drugstores decreased by an average of 0.7%, reflecting positive trends in local currencies across our operations, partially offset by a negative currency translation effect related to the appreciation of the Mexican peso compared to the Chilean and Colombian pesos in our operations in South America. On an organic basis,2 total revenues increased 1.2%.



1 Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted to reflect the change from Retail Division to Proximity Division implemented since September 2018.

2 Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.


July 25, 20198 



Gross profit reached 29.3% of total revenues.


Income from operations amounted to 3.5% of total revenues. Operating expenses increased 6.6% to Ps. 7,222 million.




Financial Summary for the First Six Months
(Millions of Ps. except same-stations sales)
       Comparable       Reported 
   2019   2018   Var.*   2018 
Same-station sales (thousands of Ps.)   7,455    7,732    (3.6)%   7,732 
Revenues   23,268    22,104    5.3%   22,104 
Income from Operations   591    476    24.0%   219 
Income from Operations Margin (%)   2.5    2.2    30 bps    1.0 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   1,082    855    26.5%   296 
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA) Margin (%)   4.7    3.9    80 bps    1.3 
*vs.Comparable Results


Total revenues increased 5.3%. Same-station sales decreased at an average of 3.6%, reflecting a 10.5% increase in the average price per liter offset by a decrease of 12.7% in the average volume.


Gross profit reached 10.0% of total revenues.


Income from operations amounted to 2.5% of total revenues. Operating expenses increased 30.6% to Ps. 1,733 million.


coca-cola femsa


Coca-Cola FEMSA’s financial results and discussion thereof are incorporated by reference from Coca-Cola FEMSA’s press release, which is attached to this press release or may be accessed by visiting



·On April 30, 2019, FEMSA announced that FEMSA Comercio through its majority-owned subsidiary Socofar, had successfully completed the acquisition of Corporación GPF (“GPF”). GPF is a leading drugstore operator based in Quito, Ecuador, with almost 90 years of solid trajectory, operating more than 620 points of sale nationwide mainly under the Fybeca and SanaSana banners. This transaction represents a new building block of FEMSA Comercio’s drugstore strategy in South America, following its successful acquisition of a controlling stake in the drugstore and distribution platform of Chile-based Socofar in 2015. This announcement marked another important step for FEMSA Comercio as it brings its considerable retail expertise and Socofar’s deep industry knowledge to the Ecuadorian market and its more than 16 million consumers. GPF is a strong local operator with attractive growth prospects, and it will help Socofar as it continues to build a robust base from which to expand further in the region.


July 25, 20199 





Our Second Quarter 2019 Conference Call will be held on: Friday, July 26, 2019, 9:30 AM Eastern Time (8:30 AM Mexico City Time). To participate in the conference call, please dial: Domestic US: (866) 548 4713; International: +1 (323) 794 2093; Conference Id: 3218306. The conference call will be webcast live through streaming audio. For details please visit


If you are unable to participate live, the conference call audio will be available on


FEMSA is a company that creates economic and social value through companies and institutions and strives to be the best employer and neighbor to the communities in which it operates. It participates in the retail industry through FEMSA Comercio, comprising a Proximity Division operating OXXO, a small-format store chain, a Health Division, which includes drugstores and related activities, and a Fuel Division, which operates the OXXO GAS chain of retail service stations. In the beverage industry, it participates through Coca-Cola FEMSA, a public bottler of Coca-Cola products; and in the beer industry, as a shareholder of HEINEKEN, a brewer with operations in over 70 countries. Additionally, through its Strategic Businesses unit, it provides logistics, point-of-sale refrigeration solutions and plastics solutions to FEMSA's business units and third-party clients. Through its business units, FEMSA has more than 295,000 employees in 13 countries. FEMSA is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance, the FTSE4Good Emerging Index and the Mexican Stock Exchange Sustainability Index, among other indexes that evaluate is sustainability performance.


The translations of Mexican pesos into US dollars are included solely for the convenience of the reader, using the noon buying rate for Mexican pesos as published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on June 28, 2019, which was 19.2089 Mexican pesos per US dollar.



This report may contain certain forward-looking statements concerning our future performance that should be considered as good faith estimates made by us. These forward-looking statements reflect management’s expectations and are based upon currently available data. Actual results are subject to future events and uncertainties, which could materially impact our actual performance.


Eight pages of tables and Coca-Cola FEMSA’s press release to follow


July 25, 201910 



Consolidated Income Statement
Millions of Pesos


   For the second quarter of: 
           Comparable(A)   As Reported(B) 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Total revenues   128,213    100.0    117,191    100.0    9.4    6.7    117,191    100.0    9.4    6.7 
Cost of sales   80,317    62.6    73,533    62.7    9.2         73,568    62.8    9.2      
Gross profit   47,896    37.4    43,658    37.3    9.7         43,623    37.2    9.8      
Administrative expenses   4,810    3.8    4,541    3.9    5.9         4,521    3.9    6.4      
Selling expenses   30,203    23.6    27,502    23.5    9.8         28,100    23.9    7.5      
Other operating expenses (income), net (1)   947    0.7    594    0.5    59.5         594    0.5    59.5      
Income from operations(2)   11,936    9.3    11,020    9.4    8.3    6.6    10,409    8.9    14.7    12.9 
Other non-operating expenses (income)   12         415         (97.1)        415         (97.1)     
Interest expense   3,493         3,361         3.9         2,289         52.6      
Interest income   781         524         49.1         524         49.1      
Interest expense, net   2,712         2,837         (4.4)        1,765         53.7      
Foreign exchange loss (gain)   695         (5,625)        (112.4)        (5,627)        (112.4)     
Financing expenses, net   3,445         (2,718)        N.S.         (3,792)        (190.9)     
Income before income tax and participation in associates results   8,479         13,323         (36.4)        13,786         (38.5)     
Income tax   2,174         4,160         (47.7)        4,315         (49.6)     
Participation in associates results(3)   1,442         1,191         21.1         1,191         21.1      
Net income from continuing operations   7,747         10,355         (25.2)        10,662         (27.3)     
Net income from discontinued operations   -         115         (100.0)        115         (100.0)     
Net consolidated income   7,747         10,469         (26.0)        10,777         (28.1)     
Net majority income   5,636         8,488         (33.6)        8,796         (35.9)     
Net minority income   2,111         1,981         6.6         1,981         6.6      
Operative Cash Flow & CAPEX  2019   % of rev.   2018 (B)  % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018 (B)  % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Income from operations   11,936    9.3    11,020    9.4    8.3    6.6    10,409    8.9    14.7    12.9 
Depreciation   5,705    4.4    5,429    4.6    5.1         3,547    3.0    60.9      
Amortization & other non-cash charges   1,341    1.1    1,003    0.9    33.6         1,003    0.9    33.6      
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   18,982    14.8    17,453    14.9    8.8    6.6    14,959    12.8    26.9    24.3 
CAPEX   6,130         6,029         1.7         6,029         1.7      


(A)Unaudited consolidated financial information. For more detail please refer to our Press Release published on april 5th, 2019.
(B)Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted for the discontinued operations of Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines.
(C)Organic basis (% Org.) excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.
(1)Other operating expenses (income), net = other operating expenses (income) +(-) equity method from operated associates.
(2)Income from operations = gross profit - administrative and selling expenses - other operating expenses (income), net.
(3)Mainly represents the equity method participation in Heineken´s results, net.


July 25, 201911 



Consolidated Income Statement
Millions of Pesos


   For the six months of: 
           Comparable(A)   As Reported(B) 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Total revenues   244,371    100.0    226,939    100.0    7.7    5.4    226,939    100.0    7.7    5.4 
Cost of sales   153,579    62.8    143,586    63.3    7.0         143,652    63.3    6.9      
Gross profit   90,792    37.2    83,353    36.7    8.9         83,287    36.7    9.0      
Administrative expenses   9,519    3.9    8,491    3.7    12.1         8,513    3.8    11.8      
Selling expenses   58,992    24.1    54,126    23.9    9.0         55,299    24.4    6.7      
Other operating expenses (income), net (1)   1,349    0.6    775    0.3    74.1         775    0.3    74.1      
Income from operations(2)   20,932    8.6    19,961    8.8    4.9    2.9    18,701    8.2    11.9    9.8 
Other non-operating expenses (income)   265         603         (56.1)        603         (56.1)     
Interest expense   6,970         7,013         (0.6)        4,878         42.9      
Interest income   1,528         1,254         21.9         1,254         21.9      
Interest expense, net   5,442         5,759         (5.5)        3,625         50.1      
Foreign exchange loss (gain)   1,879         (708)         N.S.          (701)         N.S.       
Financing expenses, net   7,339         5,377         36.5         3,250         125.8      
Income before income tax and participation in associates results   13,328         13,981         (4.7)        14,847         (10.2)     
Income tax   4,109         4,508         (8.8)        4,821         (14.8)     
Participation in associates results(3)   2,386         2,062         15.7         2,062         15.7      
Net income from continuing operations   11,605         11,536         0.6         12,088         (4.0)     
Net income from discontinued operations   -         166         (100.0)        166         (100.0)     
Net consolidated income   11,605         11,702         (0.8)        12,254         (5.3)     
Net majority income   7,878         8,256         (4.6)        8,797         (10.4)     
Net minority income   3,727         3,446         8.2         3,457         7.8      
Operative Cash Flow & CAPEX  2019   % of rev.   2018(B)   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018(B)   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Income from operations   20,932    8.6    19,961    8.8    4.9    2.9    18,701    8.2    11.9    9.8 
Depreciation   11,394    4.7    10,726    4.7    6.2         6,995    3.1    62.9      
Amortization & other non-cash charges   2,302    0.9    1,729    0.8    33.2         1,729    0.8    33.2      
Operative Cash Flow (EBITDA)   34,628    14.2    32,416    14.3    6.8    4.3    27,424    12.1    26.3    23.3 
CAPEX   10,220         9,867         3.6         9,867         3.6      


(A) Unaudited consolidated financial information. For more detail please refer to our Press Release published on april 5th, 2019.

(B) Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted for the discontinued operations of Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines.

(C) Organic basis (% Org.) excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.

(1) Other operating expenses (income), net = other operating expenses (income) +(-) equity method from operated associates.

(2) Income from operations = gross profit - administrative and selling expenses - other operating expenses (income), net.

(3) Mainly represents the equity method participation in Heineken´s results, net.


July 25, 201912 



Consolidated Balance Sheet
Millions of Pesos


ASSETS  Jun-19   Dic-18   % Inc. 
Cash and cash equivalents   70,472    62,047    13.6 
Investments   21,340    30,924    (31.0)
Accounts receivable   26,222    28,164    (6.9)
Inventories   37,438    35,686    4.9 
Other current assets   21,884    20,786    5.3 
Total current assets   177,356    177,607    (0.1)
Investments in shares   92,060    94,315    (2.4)
Property, plant and equipment, net   110,750    108,602    2.0 
Right of use   50,307    -     N.S.  
Intangible assets (1)   148,116    145,610    1.7 
Other assets   50,629    50,247    0.8 
TOTAL ASSETS   629,218    576,381    9.2 
Bank loans   3,866    2,436    58.7 
Current maturities of long-term debt   16,494    11,238    46.8 
Interest payable   747    964    (22.5)
Current maturities of long-term leases   5,919    -     N.S.  
Operating liabilities   99,808    86,826    15.0 
Total current liabilities   126,834    101,464    25.0 
Long-term debt (2)   96,565    108,161    (10.7)
Long-term leases   45,426    -     N.S.  
Laboral obligations   4,744    4,699    1.0 
Other liabilities   25,884    26,515    (2.4)
Total liabilities   299,453    240,839    24.3 
Total stockholders’ equity   329,765    335,542    (1.7)


   June 30, 2019 
DEBT MIX (2)  % of Total   Average Rate 
Denominated in:          
Mexican pesos   49.1%   8.1%
U.S. Dollars   7.2%   4.7%
Euros   18.7%   1.8%
Colombian pesos   1.4%   5.7%
Argentine pesos   0.2%   65.5%
Brazilian reais   18.7%   7.8%
Chilean pesos   3.7%   5.3%
Uruguayan Pesos   1.0%   10.0%
Total debt   100.0%   6.63%
Fixed rate(2)   91.6%     
Variable rate(2)   8.4%     


DEBT MATURITY PROFILE  2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024+ 
% of Total Debt   5.1%   9.9%   11.1%   2.2%   22.4%   49.4%


(1)Includes mainly the intangible assets generated by acquisitions.
(2)Includes the effect of derivative financial instruments on long-term debt.


July 25, 201913 



FEMSA Comercio - Proximity Division
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the second quarter of:     
           Comparable (A)       As Reported(B) 
   2019 (A)   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Total revenues   47,190    100.0    42,387    100.0    11.3    11.0    42,387    100.0    11.3    11.0 
Cost of sales   28,408    60.2    26,279    62.0    8.1         26,279    62.0    8.1      
Gross profit   18,782    39.8    16,108    38.0    16.6         16,108    38.0    16.6      
Administrative expenses   1,081    2.3    884    2.1    22.3         885    2.1    22.1      
Selling expenses   12,994    27.5    11,130    26.2    16.7         11,540    27.2    12.6      
Other operating expenses (income), net   74    0.2    80    0.2    (7.0)        80    0.2    (7.0)     
Income from operations   4,633    9.8    4,014    9.5    15.4    14.2    3,603    8.5    28.6    27.2 
Depreciation   2,291    4.9    2,028    4.8    13.0         1,144    2.7    100.3      
Amortization & other non-cash charges   143    0.3    129    0.3    10.5         129    0.3    10.5      
Operative cash flow   7,067    15.0    6,172    14.6    14.5    12.9    4,876    11.5    44.9    42.9 
CAPEX   2,670         2,394         11.5         2,394    -    11.5      
Information of OXXO Stores                                                  
Total stores   18,608         17,296         7.6                          
Net new convenience stores:                                                  
vs. Last quarter   375         479         (21.7)                         
Year-to-date   609         719         (15.3)                         
Last-twelve-months   1,312         1,483         (11.5)                         
Same-store data: (1)                                                  
Sales (thousands of pesos)   822.2         773.8         6.2                          
Traffic (thousands of transactions)   22.7         22.9         (1.1)                         
Ticket (pesos)   36.3         33.7         7.5                          


FEMSA Comercio - Proximity Division
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the six months of: 
           Comparable (A)       As Reported(B) 
   2019 (A)   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Total revenues   88,440    100.0    80,134    100.0    10.4    9.9    80,134    100.0    10.4    9.9 
Cost of sales   53,804    60.8    50,565    63.1    6.4         50,565    63.1    6.4      
Gross profit   34,636    39.2    29,569    36.9    17.1         29,569    36.9    17.1      
Administrative expenses   2,083    2.4    1,728    2.2    20.6         1,730    2.2    20.4      
Selling expenses   25,149    28.5    21,328    26.6    17.9         22,135    27.6    13.6      
Other operating expenses (income), net   123    0.1    144    0.2    (14.8)        144    0.2    (14.8)     
Income from operations   7,281    8.2    6,368    7.9    14.3    12.7    5,559    6.9    31.0    29.1 
Depreciation   4,517    5.1    4,010    5.0    12.6         2,260    2.8    99.9      
Amortization & other non-cash charges   283    0.4    242    0.4    17.0         242    0.4    17.0      
Operative cash flow   12,081    13.7    10,620    13.3    13.8    11.7    8,060    10.1    49.9    47.2 
CAPEX   4,505         3,870         16.3         3,870         16.3      
Information of OXXO Stores                                                  
Total stores   18,608         17,296         7.6                          
Net new convenience stores:                                                  
vs. Last quarter   375         479         (21.7)                         
Year-to-date   609         719         (15.3)                         
Last-twelve-months   1,312         1,483         (11.5)                         
Same-store data: (1)                                                  
Sales (thousands of pesos)   775.6         739.9         4.8                          
Traffic (thousands of transactions)   22.1         22.1         (0.1)                         
Ticket (pesos)   35.1         33.5         5.0                          


(A)Unaudited consolidated financial information. For more detail please refer to our Press Release published on april 5th, 2019.
(B)Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted to reflect the change from Comercial Division to Proximity Division implemented since September, 2018.
(C)Organic basis (% Org.) Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.
(1)Monthly average information per store, considering same stores with more than twelve months of operations, income from services are included.


July 25, 201914 



FEMSA Comercio - Health Division
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the second quarter of:     
           Comparable(A)   As Reported 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(B)   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(B) 
Total revenues   15,246    100.0    13,380    100.0    13.9    0.1    13,380    100.0    13.9    0.1 
Cost of sales   10,705    70.2    9,287    69.4    15.3         9,287    69.4    15.3      
Gross profit   4,541    29.8    4,093    30.6    10.9         4,093    30.6    10.9      
Administrative expenses   719    4.7    514    3.8    39.9         514    3.8    39.9      
Selling expenses   3,117    20.4    2,873    21.5    8.5         2,923    21.9    6.6      
Other operating expenses (income), net   41    0.3    22    0.2    86.4         22    0.2    86.4      
Income from operations   664    4.4    684    5.1    (3.0)   (9.3)   634    4.7    4.7    (2.1)
Depreciation   642    4.2    596    4.5    7.7         166    1.2     N.S.       
Amortization & other non-cash charges   73    0.4    86    0.6    (15.1)        86    0.7    (15.1)     
Operative cash flow   1,379    9.0    1,366    10.2    0.9    (5.5)   886    6.6    55.6    45.7 
CAPEX   304         229         32.8         229    -    32.8      
Information of Stores                                                  
Total stores   3,061         2,251         36.0                          
Net new stores:                                                  
vs. Last quarter   677         16          N.S.                           
Year-to-date   700         26          N.S.                           
Last-twelve-months   810         97          N.S.                           
Same-store data: (1)                                                  
Sales (thousands of pesos)   1,476.6         1,516.4         -2.6                          


FEMSA Comercio - Health Division
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the six months of:     
           Comparable(A)   As Reported 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(B)   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(B) 
Total revenues   28,004    100.0    25,834    100.0    8.4    1.2    25,834    100.0    8.4    1.2 
Cost of sales   19,802    70.7    18,045    69.8    9.7         18,045    69.8    9.7      
Gross profit   8,202    29.3    7,789    30.2    5.3         7,789    30.2    5.3      
Administrative expenses   1,240    4.4    999    3.9    24.1         999    3.9    24.1      
Selling expenses   5,928    21.2    5,734    22.2    3.4         5,833    22.6    1.6      
Other operating expenses (income), net   54    0.2    43    0.2    25.6         43    0.2    25.6      
Income from operations   980    3.5    1,013    3.9    (3.3)   (7.6)   914    3.5    7.2    2.5 
Depreciation   1,240    4.4    1,186    4.6    4.5         332    1.3     N.S.       
Amortization & other non-cash charges   154    0.6    171    0.7    (9.9)        171    0.7    (9.9)     
Operative cash flow   2,374    8.5    2,371    9.2    0.1    (3.6)   1,417    5.5    67.5    61.3 
CAPEX   595         580         2.6         580    -    2.6      
Information of Stores                                                  
Total stores   3,061         2,251         36.0                          
Net new stores:                                                  
vs. Last quarter   677         16          N.S.                           
Year-to-date   700         26          N.S.                           
Last-twelve-months   810         97          N.S.                           
Same-store data: (1)                                                  
Sales (thousands of pesos)   1,494.0         1,504.9         -0.7                          


(A)Unaudited consolidated financial information. For more detail please refer to our Press Release published on april 5th, 2019.
(B)Organic basis (% Org.) Excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.
(1)Monthly average information per store, considering same stores with more than twelve months of all the operations of FEMSA Comercio - Health Division.


July 25, 201915 



FEMSA Comercio - Fuel Division
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the second quarter of: 
           Comparable (A)   As Reported 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   2018   % of rev.   % Var. 
Total revenues   12,415    100.0    11,511    100.0    7.8    11,511    100.0    7.8 
Cost of sales   11,196    90.2    10,595    92.0    5.7    10,595    92.0    5.7 
Gross profit   1,219    9.8    916    8.0    33.1    916    8.0    33.1 
Administrative expenses   49    0.4    61    0.5    (19.0)   61    0.5    (19.7)
Selling expenses   834    6.7    640    5.6    30.3    771    6.8    8.2 
Other operating expenses (income), net   53    0.4    2    -    N.S.    2    -    N.S. 
Income from operations   283    2.3    213    1.9    32.6    82    0.7    N.S. 
Depreciation   208    1.7    186    1.6    12.0    32    0.3    N.S. 
Amortization & other non-cash charges   56    0.4    8    -    N.S.    8    0.1    N.S. 
Operative cash flow   547    4.4    407    3.5    34.3    122    1.1    N.S. 
CAPEX   122         129         (5.8)   129         (5.8)
Information of OXXO GAS Service Stations                                        
Total service stations   541         499         8.4                
Net new service stations                                        
vs. Last quarter   1         32         (96.9)               
Year-to-date   2         47         (95.7)               
Last-twelve-months   42         109         (61.5)               
Volume (million of liters) total stations   698         708         (1.5)               
Same-stations data: (1)                                        
Sales (thousands of pesos)   7,817.7         7,817.9         (0.0)               
Volume (thousands of liters)   440.5         480.9         (8.4)               
 Average price per liter   17.7         16.3         9.2                


FEMSA Comercio - Fuel Division
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the six months of: 
           Comparable (A)   As Reported 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   2018   % of rev.   % Var. 
Total revenues   23,268    100.0    22,104    100.0    5.3    22,104    100.0    5.3 
Cost of sales   20,944    90.0    20,301    91.8    3.2    20,301    91.8    3.2 
Gross profit   2,324    10.0    1,803    8.2    28.9    1,803    8.2    28.9 
Administrative expenses   92    0.4    112    0.5    (17.9)   113    0.5    (18.6)
Selling expenses   1,571    6.8    1,212    5.5    29.7    1,468    6.7    7.0 
Other operating expenses (income), net   70    0.3    3    -     N.S.     3    -     N.S.  
Income from operations   591    2.5    476    2.2    24.0    219    1.0    169.9 
Depreciation   411    1.8    364    1.6    12.9    62    0.3     N.S.  
Amortization & other non-cash charges   80    0.4    15    0.1     N.S.     15    -     N.S.  
Operative cash flow   1,082    4.7    855    3.9    26.5    296    1.3     N.S.  
CAPEX   244         193         26.6    193         26.6 
Information of OXXO GAS Service Stations                                        
Total service stations   541.0         499.0         8.4                
Net new service stations                                        
vs. Last quarter   1         32         (96.9)               
Year-to-date   2         47         (95.7)               
Last-twelve-months   42         109         (61.5)               
Volume (million of liters) total stations   1,314         1,382         (4.9)               
Same-stations data: (1)                                        
Sales (thousands of pesos)   7,455.1         7,732.2         (3.6)               
Volume (thousands of liters)   422.0         483.5         (12.7)               
Average price per liter   17.7         16.0         10.5                


(A)Unaudited consolidated financial information. For more detail please refer to our Press Release published on april 5th, 2019.
(1)Monthly average information per station, considering same stations with more than twelve months of operations.


July 25, 201916 



Coca-Cola FEMSA
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the second quarter of: 
           Comparable (A)   As Reported(B) 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018   % Integral   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Total revenues   47,978    100.0    44,569    100.0    7.6    5.1    44,569    100.0    7.6    5.1 
Cost of sales   25,876    53.9    23,710    53.2    9.1         23,712    53.2    9.1      
Gross profit   22,102    46.1    20,859    46.8    6.0         20,857    46.8    6.0      
Administrative expenses   2,172    4.5    2,054    4.6    5.7         2,057    4.6    5.6      
Selling expenses   12,864    26.9    12,302    27.6    4.6         12,312    27.6    4.5      
Other operating expenses (income), net   728    1.5    537    1.2    35.6         537    1.2    35.6      
Income from operations   6,338    13.2    5,967    13.4    6.2    4.7    5,952    13.4    6.5    4.9 
Depreciation   2,214    4.6    2,217    5.0    (0.1)        2,066    4.6    7.2      
Amortization & other non-cash charges   627    1.3    709    1.6    (11.6)        708    1.6    (11.5)     
Operative cash flow   9,180    19.1    8,892    20.0    3.2    1.0    8,726    19.6    5.2    2.9 
CAPEX   2,407         2,404         0.1         2,404         0.1      
Sales volumes                                                  
(Millions of unit cases)                                                  
Mexico and Central America   554.7    66.0    552.2    67.1    0.5                          
South America   103.1    12.3    99.9    12.1    3.2                          
Brazil   183.1    21.8    170.8    20.8    7.3                          
Total   840.9    100.0    822.9    100.0    2.2                          


Coca-Cola FEMSA
Results of Operations
Millions of Pesos


   For the six months of: 
           Comparable (A)   As Reported(B) 
   2019   % of rev.   2018   % of rev.   % Var.   % Org.(C)   2018   % Integral   % Var.   % Org.(C) 
Total revenues   94,444    100.0    88,692    100.0    6.5    3.1    88,692    100.0    6.5    3.1 
Cost of sales   51,349    54.4    47,615    53.7    7.8         47,619    53.7    7.8      
Gross profit   43,095    45.6    41,077    46.3    4.9         41,073    46.3    4.9      
Administrative expenses   4,385    4.6    4,273    4.8    2.6         3,956    4.5    10.9      
Selling expenses   25,577    27.1    24,442    27.6    4.6         24,784    27.9    3.2      
Other operating expenses (income), net   1,063    1.1    616    0.7    72.4         616    0.7    72.6      
Income from operations   12,070    12.8    11,746    13.2    2.8    0.7    11,718    13.2    3.0    0.9 
Depreciation   4,493    4.8    4,354    4.9    3.2         4,049    4.6    11.0      
Amortization & other non-cash charges   1,192    1.2    1,126    1.3    5.9         1,125    1.2    6.0      
Operative cash flow   17,756    18.8    17,226    19.4    3.1    0.2    16,891    19.0    5.1    2.2 
CAPEX   3,961         4,016         (1.4)        4,016         (1.4)     
Sales volumes                                                  
(Millions of unit cases)                                                  
Mexico and Central America   1,032.7    63.1    1,027.1    63.8    0.5                          
South America   208.8    12.8    218.2    13.5    (4.3)                         
Brazil   395.7    24.2    365.6    22.7    8.3                          
Total   1,637.1    100.0    1,610.9    100.0    1.6                          


(A)Unaudited consolidated financial information. For more detail please refer to our Press Release published on april 5th, 2019.
(B)Amounts reported as of June 30, 2018, adjusted for the discontinued operations of Coca-Cola FEMSA Philippines.
(C)Organic basis (% Org.) excludes the effects of significant mergers and acquisitions in the last twelve months.


July 25, 201917 



Macroeconomic Information


   Inflation   End-of-period Exchange Rates 
   2Q 2019   LTM(1) Jun-19   Jun-19   Dic-18 
           Per USD   Per MXN   Per USD   Per MXN 
México   -0.08%   3.52%   19.17    1.0000    19.68    1.0000 
Colombia   2.76%   2.88%   3,205.67    0.0060    3,249.75    0.0061 
Venezuela   2318.90%   931193.84%   6,733.29    0.0028    638.18    0.0308 
Brasil   2.35%   4.00%   3.83    5.0020    3.87    5.0797 
Argentina   22.81%   53.26%   42.46    0.4514    37.70    0.5221 
Chile   2.11%   2.21%   679.86    0.0282    695.69    0.0283 
Zona Euro   1.04%   1.43%   0.88    21.8643    0.87    22.5383 


(1)LTM = Last twelve months.


July 25, 201918 




Coca-Cola FEMSA Announces Results For Second Quarter and First Six Months Of 2019


Mexico City, July 25, 2019, Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: KOF UBL, NYSE: KOF) (“Coca-Cola FEMSA”, “KOF” or the “Company”), the largest Coca-Cola franchise bottler in the world by sales volume, announces results for the second quarter and the first six months of 2019.




·Volumes increased in Brazil, Central America and Colombia; transactions outperformed volumes in Argentina and Brazil.


·Revenues increased 7.6%, while comparable revenues grew 11.6%. Solid pricing, revenue management initiatives across our operations and volume growth in Brazil, Central America and Colombia were partially offset by unfavorable currency translation effects from all of our operating currencies.


·Operating income increased 6.5%, while comparable operating income increased 13.8%. Favorable price mix effect, more stable raw material prices, and operating expense efficiencies, were partially offset by higher concentrate costs, the depreciation of most of our operating currencies as applied to our U.S. dollar denominated raw material costs, and restructuring severances for Ps. 512 million in Argentina, Central America, Colombia, and Mexico related to our efficiency initiatives to create a leaner and more agile organization.


·Earnings per share1 were Ps. 0.21 (Earnings per unit were Ps. 1.66 and per ADS were Ps. 16.60).


Change vs. same period of last year


      Total Revenues   Gross Profit   Operating Income   Majority Net Income 
      2Q 2019   YTD 2019   2Q 2019   YTD 2019   2Q 2019   YTD 2019   2Q 2019   YTD 2019 
   Consolidated   7.6%   6.5%   6.0%   4.9%   6.5%   3.0%   25.4%   17.2%
As Reported (2)  Mexico & Central America   9.9%   10.6%   10.0%   11.1%   19.1%   17.6%          
   South America   4.4%   1.5%   (0.5%)   (3.2%)   (15.8%)   (15.0%)          
  Consolidated   11.6%   10.8%   10.1%   9.5%   13.8%   11.7%          
 Comparable (3)  Mexico & Central America   9.2%   8.3%   9.3%   8.8%   18.6%   16.1%          
   South America   15.9%   14.7%   11.8%   10.6%   2.4%   4.1%          


John Santa Maria, Coca-Cola FEMSA’s CEO, commented:


“Our second quarter results show continuous progress and positive momentum. Despite prevailing external volatility and currency headwinds, our consolidated revenues grew 7.6% while our comparable revenues grew 11.6%. Importantly, our majority net income grew 25.4%, reflecting our progress to transform Coca-Cola FEMSA into a stronger and more resilient business. In Mexico and Central America, we continue to report healthy top-and-bottom line growth. In South America, we continue to see strong top-line performance driven mainly by strong volumes in Brazil, better-than-expected volume performance in Colombia and signs of stabilization in Argentina —encouraging trends as we move into the second half of the year.


Finally, as part of our commitment to drive agility and efficiency across our organization, we started the rollout of a set of initiatives during the first half of the year to create a leaner, more agile organization that is fully focused on its consumers. We expect that these efforts, which will be rolled out to all of our operations throughout the coming months, combined with ongoing digitalization, will provide us with the required flexibility to continue driving growth in our business.”



(1)Quarterly earnings / outstanding shares. Earnings per share (EPS) for all periods are adjusted to give effect to the stock split resulting in 16,806.7 million shares outstanding. For the convenience of the reader, as a KOF UBL Unit is comprised of 8 shares (3 Series B shares and 5 Series L shares); earnings per unit are equal to EPS multiplied by 8. Each ADS represents 10 KOF UBL Units.
(2)According to IFRS 5, figures for 2018 do not include the Philippines as it is presented as a discontinued operation as of January 1, 2018.
(3)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.


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·On May 3, 2019, Coca-Cola FEMSA paid the first installment of the 2018 dividend in the amount of Ps. 0.4425 per share.





Coca-Cola FEMSA Reports 2Q2019 Results

July 25, 2019

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   As Reported (1)   Comparable (2) 
Expressed in millions of Mexican pesos  2Q 2019   2Q 2018   Δ%   Δ% 
Total revenues   47,978    44,569    7.6%   11.6%
Gross profit   22,102    20,857    6.0%   10.1%
Operating income   6,338    5,952    6.5%   13.8%
Operating cash flow (3)   9,180    8,726    5.2%   9.2%


Volume increased 2.2% to 840.9 million unit cases, driven mainly by 7.2% growth in Brazil, slight growth in Colombia and the consolidation of recently acquired territories in Guatemala and Uruguay; partially offset by volume declines in Mexico and Argentina. On a comparable basis, total volumes increased 1.3%.


Total revenues increased 7.6% to Ps. 47,978 million, driven mainly by price increases above inflation and revenue management initiatives across our territories, volume growth in Brazil, Central America and Colombia, the consolidation of recently acquired territories in Guatemala and Uruguay and a favorable mix effect driven by transactions growing ahead of volumes in Argentina and Brazil. These factors were partially offset by the negative translation effect resulting from the depreciation of all of our operating currencies as compared to the Mexican Peso, combined with volume decline in Argentina and Mexico. On a comparable basis, total revenues increased 11.6%.


Gross profit increased 6.0% to Ps. 22,102 million and gross margin contracted 70 basis points to 46.1%. More stable sweetener and packaging prices were offset by i) higher concentrate costs in Mexico; ii) higher concentrate costs in Brazil, related to the reduction of tax credits on concentrate purchased from the Manaus Free Trade Zone; iii) an unfavorable currency hedging position in most of our operations; and iv) the depreciation in the average exchange rate of most of our operating currencies as applied to our U.S. dollar-denominated raw material costs. On a comparable basis, gross profit increased 10.1%.


Operating income increased 6.5% to Ps. 6,338 million, and operating margin contracted 20 basis points to 13.2%. This increase was driven mainly by operating expense efficiencies and freight efficiencies in Brazil and Mexico; effects that were partially offset by restructuring severance in Argentina, Central America, Colombia, and Mexico. On a comparable basis, operating income increased 13.8%.



(1)According to IFRS 5, figures from 2018 do not include the Philippines as it is presented as a discontinued operation as of January 1, 2018.
(2)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.
(3)Operating cash flow = operating income + depreciation + amortization & other operating non-cash charges.


Coca-Cola FEMSA Reports 2Q2019 Results

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Comprehensive financing result recorded an expense of Ps. 1,559 million, compared to an expense of Ps. 1,438 million in the same period of 2018. This quarter we had a reduction in our interest expense, net, as compared to the same period of 2018, a foreign exchange loss —as our cash exposure in U.S. dollars was negatively impacted by the appreciation of the Mexican Peso during the second quarter of 2019—and a reduction in other financial expenses.


Income tax as a percentage of income before taxes was 24.7% as compared to 30.7% during the same period of the previous year. This decrease was driven mainly by the increase in the relative weight of our Mexico operation´s profits in our consolidated results, which have a lower tax rate, coupled with certain tax efficiencies and ongoing efforts to reduce non-deductible items across our operations.


Net income attributable to equity holders of the company reached Ps. 3,487 million as compared to Ps. 2,781 million during the same period of the previous year. Earnings per share1 were Ps. 0.21 (Earnings per unit were Ps. 1.66 and earnings per ADS were Ps. 16.60).



(1)Quarterly earnings / outstanding shares. Earnings per share (EPS) for all periods are adjusted to give effect to the stock split resulting in 16,806.7 million shares outstanding. For the convenience of the reader, as a KOF UBL Unit is comprised of 8 shares (3 Series B shares and 5 Series L shares); earnings per unit are equal to EPS multiplied by 8. Each ADS represents 10 KOF UBL Units.


Coca-Cola FEMSA Reports 2Q2019 Results

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   As Reported (1)   Comparable (2) 
Expressed in millions of Mexican pesos  YTD 2019   YTD 2018   Δ%   Δ% 
Total revenues   94,444    88,692    6.5%   10.8%
Gross profit   43,095    41,073    4.9%   9.5%
Operating income   12,070    11,718    3.0%   11.7%
Operating cash flow (3)   17,756    16,891    5.1%   10.1%


Volume increased 1.6% to 1,637.1 million unit cases in the first six months of 2019 as compared to the same period of 2018, driven mainly by 8.2% growth in Brazil, and the consolidation of recently acquired territories in Guatemala and Uruguay, partially offset by volume declines in the rest of our operations. On a comparable basis, total volumes increased 0.7%.


Total revenues increased 6.5% to Ps. 94,444 million in the first six months of 2019 as compared to the same period of 2018, driven mainly by price increases above inflation and revenue management initiatives across our territories, volume growth in Brazil, the consolidation of recently acquired territories in Guatemala and Uruguay, and a favorable mix effect driven by transactions growing ahead of volumes in Argentina and Brazil. These factors were partially offset by the negative translation effect resulting from the depreciation of all of our operating currencies as compared to the Mexican Peso, combined with volume declines in Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. On a comparable basis, total revenues increased 10.8%.


Gross profit increased 4.9% to Ps. 43,095 million in the first six months of 2019 as compared to the same period of 2018, and gross margin contracted 70 basis points to 45.6%. Lower sweetener prices were offset by i) higher concentrate costs in Mexico; ii) higher concentrate costs in Brazil, related to the reduction of tax credits on concentrate purchased from the Manaus Free Trade Zone; iii) higher PET prices during the first quarter of 2019 across most of our operations; and iv) the depreciation in the average exchange rate of most of our operating currencies as applied to our U.S. dollar-denominated raw material costs. On a comparable basis, gross profit increased 9.5%.


Operating income increased 3.0% to Ps. 12,070 million in the first six months of 2019 as compared to the same period of 2018, and operating margin contracted 40 basis points to 12.8%. This increase was driven mainly by operating expense efficiencies, and freight efficiencies in Brazil and Mexico; effects that were partially offset by restructuring severance of Ps. 701 million in Argentina, Central America, Colombia, and Mexico. On a comparable basis, operating income increased 11.7%.



(1)According to IFRS 5, figures from 2018 do not include the Philippines as it is presented as a discontinued operation as of January 1, 2018.
(2)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.
(3)Operating cash flow = operating income + depreciation + amortization & other operating non-cash charges.


Coca-Cola FEMSA Reports 2Q2019 Results

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Comprehensive financing result recorded an expense of Ps. 3,153 million during the first six months of 2019 compared to an expense of Ps. 3,539 million in the same period of 2018. For this period we had a reduction in our interest expense, net, as compared to the same period of 2018, a foreign exchange loss —as our cash exposure in U.S. dollars was negatively impacted by the appreciation of the Mexican Peso during the first six months of 2019—and a reduction in other financial expenses.


Income tax as a percentage of income before taxes was 28.4% as compared to 31.0% during the first six months of the previous year. This decrease was driven mainly by the increase in the relative weight of our Mexico operation´s profits in our consolidated results, which have a lower tax rate, coupled with certain tax efficiencies and ongoing efforts to reduce non-deductible items across our operations.


Net income attributable to equity holders of the company reached Ps. 6,088 million in the first six months of 2019 as compared to Ps. 5,195 million during the same period of the previous year. Earnings per share1 were Ps. 0.56 (Earnings per unit were Ps. 28.98 and earnings per ADS were Ps. 12.33).



(1)Quarterly earnings / outstanding shares. Earnings per share (EPS) for all periods are adjusted to give effect to the stock split resulting in 16,806.7 million shares outstanding. For the convenience of the reader, as each KOF UBL Unit is comprised of 8 shares (3 Series B shares and 5 Series L shares), earnings per unit are equal to EPS multiplied by 8. Each ADS represents 10 KOF UBL Units.


Coca-Cola FEMSA Reports 2Q2019 Results

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(Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, and Nicaragua)




   As Reported (1)   Comparable (2) 
Expressed in millions of Mexican pesos  2Q 2019   2Q 2018   Δ%   Δ% 
Total revenues   29,008    26,392    9.9%   9.2%
Gross profit   14,166    12,881    10.0%   9.3%
Operating income   4,527    3,800    19.1%   18.6%
Operating cash flow (3)   6,285    5,614    12.0%   11.4%


Volume increased 0.5% to 554.7 million unit cases, driven by the consolidation of recently acquired territories in Guatemala and volume growth in Costa Rica, Panama and organic volume in Guatemala, partially offset by volume decline in Mexico and Nicaragua. On a comparable basis, volume decreased 0.5%.


Total revenues increased 9.9% to Ps. 29,008 million, driven by pricing ahead of inflation across the division, volume growth in Costa Rica, Panama and organic volume growth in Guatemala, and the consolidation of recently acquired territories in Guatemala as of May 1, 2018. These effects were partially offset by volume declines in Mexico and Nicaragua and a slightly unfavorable mix driven by volumes outperforming transactions. On a comparable basis, total revenues increased 9.2%.


Gross profit increased 10.0% to Ps. 14,166 million and gross profit margin remained flat at 48.8% driven mainly by our pricing initiatives and lower sweetener and PET costs. These factors were partially offset by higher concentrate costs in Mexico, and an unfavorable currency hedging position. On a comparable basis, gross profit increased 9.3%.


Operating income increased 19.1% to Ps. 4,527 million in the second quarter of 2019, and operating income margin expanded 120 basis points to 15.6% during the period driven mainly by operating expense efficiencies and lower freight in Mexico, partially offset by restructuring severances of Ps. 436 million in the division. On a comparable basis, operating income increased 18.6%.



(1)According to IFRS 5, figures from 2018 do not include the Philippines as it is presented as a discontinued operation as of January 1, 2018.
(2)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.
(3)Operating cash flow = operating income + depreciation + amortization & other operating non-cash charges.


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(Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and Uruguay)




   As Reported (1)   Comparable (2) 
Expressed in millions of Mexican pesos  2Q 2019   2Q 2018   Δ%   Δ% 
Total revenues   18,970    18,177    4.4%   15.9%
Gross profit   7,937    7,976    (0.5%)   11.8%
Operating income   1,811    2,152    (15.8%)   2.4%
Operating cash flow (3)   2,895    3,112    (7.0%)   4.1%


Volume increased 5.7% to 286.2 million unit cases, driven by volume growth of 7.2% in Brazil, 0.6% in Colombia, and the consolidation of the recently acquired territory in Uruguay partially offset by a volume decline in Argentina. On a comparable basis, volume grew 5.4%.


Total revenues increased 4.4% to Ps. 18,970 million, driven mainly by strong volume growth in Brazil, pricing ahead or in line with inflation in the division, a favorable mix effect driven by transactions outperforming volumes in Argentina and Brazil, and the consolidation of the recently acquired territory in Uruguay as of July 1, 2018. These factors were partially offset by a volume contraction in Argentina, coupled with an unfavorable currency translation effect resulting from the depreciation of all our local currencies in the division as compared to the Mexican Peso. On a comparable basis, total revenues increased 15.9%.


Gross profit decreased 0.5% to Ps. 7,937 million, and gross profit margin contracted 210 basis points to 41.8%. This is a result of higher concentrate costs in Brazil related to the reduction of tax credits on concentrate purchased from the Manaus free trade zone, and the depreciation of the average exchange rate of all our local currencies in the division as applied to our U.S. dollar-denominated raw material costs. These factors were partially offset by our pricing initiatives, lower sweetener and PET prices. On a comparable basis, gross profit increased 11.8%.


Operating income decreased 15.8% to Ps. 1,812 million in the second quarter of 2019, resulting in a margin contraction of 230 basis points to 9.5% driven mainly by a decline in Argentina´s top line and restructuring severances of Ps. 76 million in Argentina and Colombia, partially offset by freight efficiencies in Brazil and expense control in the division. On a comparable basis, operating income increased 2.4%.



(1)According to IFRS 5, figures from 2018 do not include the Philippines as it is presented as a discontinued operation as of January 1, 2018.
(2)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.
(3)Operating cash flow = operating income + depreciation + amortization & other operating non-cash charges.


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Volume is expressed in unit cases. Unit case refers to 192 ounces of finished beverage product (24 eight-ounce servings) and, when applied to soda fountains, refers to the volume of syrup, powders and concentrate that is required to produce 192 ounces of finished beverage product.


Transactions refers to the number of single units (e.g. a can or a bottle) sold, regardless of their size or volume or whether they are sold individually or in multipacks, except for soda fountains, which represent multiple transactions based on a standard 12 oz. serving.


Operating income is a non-GAAP financial measure computed as “gross profit – operating expenses – other operating expenses, net + operative equity method (gain) loss in associates.”


Operating cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure computed as “operating income + depreciation + amortization & other operating non-cash charges.”


Earnings per share are equal to “quarterly earnings / outstanding shares.” Earnings per share (EPS) for all periods are adjusted to give effect to the stock split resulting in 16,806,658,096 shares outstanding. For the convenience of the reader, as each KOF UBL Unit is comprised of 8 shares (3 Series B shares and 5 Series L shares), earnings per unit are equal to EPS multiplied by 8. Each ADS represents 10 KOF UBL Units.




In an effort to provide our readers with a more useful representation of our company's underlying financial and operating performance, we are including the term “Comparable.” This means, with respect to a year-over-year comparison, the change of a given measure excluding the effects of: (i) mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures, including acquisitions made in Guatemala and Uruguay as of May and July 2018, respectively; (ii) translation effects resulting from exchange rate movements; and (iii) the results of hyperinflationary subsidiaries in both periods: Argentina’s results from 2019 and 2018. In preparing this measure, management has used its best judgment, estimates, and assumptions in order to maintain comparability. The relation between our reported and comparable figures is described in the following chart:


 *Reported 2018 figures reflect the Philippines as a discontinued operation.


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Stock listing information: Mexican Stock Exchange, Ticker: KOF UBL | NYSE (ADS), Ticker: KOF | Ratio of KOF UBL to KOF = 10:1


Coca-Cola FEMSA files reports, including annual reports and other information with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or the “SEC”, and the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores, or the “BMV”) pursuant to the rules and regulations of the SEC (that apply to foreign private issuers) and of the BMV. Filings we make electronically with the SEC and the BMV are available to the public on the Internet at the SEC’s website at, the BMV’s website at and our website at


Coca-Cola FEMSA, S.A.B. de C.V. is the largest Coca-Cola franchise bottler in the world by sales volume. The Company produces and distributes trademark beverages of The Coca-Cola Company, offering a wide portfolio of 131 brands to a population of more than 257 million. With over 83 thousand employees, the Company markets and sells approximately 3.3 billion unit cases through close to 2 million points of sale a year. Operating 49 manufacturing plants and 275 distribution centers, Coca-Cola FEMSA is committed to generating economic, social, and environmental value for all of its stakeholders across the value chain. The Company is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability Emerging Markets Index, Dow Jones Sustainability MILA Pacific Alliance Index, FTSE4Good Emerging Index, and the Mexican Stock Exchange’s IPC and Social Responsibility and Sustainability Indices, among others. Its operations encompass franchise territories in Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Colombia, and Argentina, and, nationwide, in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Uruguay, and Venezuela through its investment in KOF Venezuela. For further information, please visit





All of the financial information presented in this report was prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).


This news release may contain forward-looking statements concerning Coca-Cola FEMSA’s future performance, which should be considered as good faith estimates by Coca-Cola FEMSA. These forward-looking statements reflect management’s expectations and are based upon currently available data. Actual results are subject to future events and uncertainties, many of which are outside Coca-Cola FEMSA’s control, which could materially impact the Company’s actual performance. References herein to “US$” are to United States dollars. This news release contains translations of certain Mexican peso amounts into U.S. dollars for the convenience of the reader. These translations should not be construed as representations that Mexican peso amounts actually represent such U.S. dollars amounts or could be converted into U.S. dollars at the rate indicated.


(5 pages of tables to follow)


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Millions of Pesos (1)



   For the Second Quarter of:   For the First Six Months of: 
   2019   % of Rev.   2018 (4)   % of Rev.   Δ%
Comparable (8)
   2019   % of Rev.   2018 (4)   % of Rev.   Δ%
Comparable (8)
Transactions (million transactions)   5,012.5         4,880.4         2.7%   1.4%   9,850.2         9,565.9         3.0%   1.2%
Volume (million unit cases)   840.9         823.0         2.2%   1.3%   1,637.1         1,610.9         1.6%   0.7%
Average price per unit case   52.82         50.58         4.4%        52.83         50.93         3.7%     
Net revenues   47,672         44,468         7.2%        93,909         88,473         6.1%     
Other operating revenues   306         101         202.1%        535         218         145.1%     
Total revenues (2)   47,978    100.0%   44,569    100.0%   7.6%   11.6%   94,444    100.0%   88,692    100.0%   6.5%   10.8%
Cost of goods sold   25,876    53.9%   23,712    53.2%   9.1%        51,349    54.4%   47,619    53.7%   7.8%     
Gross profit   22,102    46.1%   20,857    46.8%   6.0%   10.1%   43,095    45.6%   41,073    46.3%   4.9%   9.5%
Operating expenses   15,036    31.3%   14,368    32.2%   4.7%        29,963    31.7%   28,738    32.4%   4.3%     
Other operative expenses, net   655    1.4%   470    1.1%   39.4%        968    1.0%   501    0.6%   93.3%     
Operative equity method (gain) loss in associates(3)   73    0.2%   67    0.2%   8.6%        95    0.1%   116    0.1%   -18.4%     
Operating income (6)   6,338    13.2%   5,952    13.4%   6.5%   13.8%   12,070    12.8%   11,718    13.2%   3.0%   11.7%
Other non operative expenses, net   (3)   0.0%   59    0.1%   NA         73    0.1%   121    0.1%   -39.8%     
Non Operative equity method (gain) loss in associates (5)   3    0.0%   (18)   0.0%   NA         (31)   0.0%   (6)   0.0%   399.5%     
Interest expense   1,732         1,679         3.2%        3,475         3,688         -5.8%     
Interest income   300         50         505.2%        551         426         29.4%     
Interest expense, net   1,433         1,629         -12.1%        2,924         3,262         -10.4%     
Foreign exchange loss (gain)   91         (251)        NA         199         (29)        NA      
Loss (gain) on monetary position in inflationary subsidiries   36         -         NA         30         -         NA      
Market value (gain) loss on financial instruments   (0)        59         NA         (0)        305         NA      
Comprehensive financing result   1,559         1,438         8.4%        3,153         3,539         -10.9%     
Income before taxes   4,779         4,473         6.8%        8,875         8,065         10.0%     
Income taxes   1,181         1,397         -15.5%        2,519         2,499         0.8%     
Result of discontinued operations   -         115         NA         -         166         NA      
Consolidated net income   3,598         3,191         12.7%        6,357         5,732         10.9%     
Net income attributable to equity holders of the company   3,487    7.3%   2,781    6.2%   25.4%        6,088    6.4%   5,195    5.9%   17.2%     
Non-controlling interest   111    0.2%   410    0.9%   -73.0%        269    0.3%   537    0.6%   -49.9%     
Operating Cash Flow & CAPEX   2019    % of Rev.    2018 (4)    % of Rev.    Δ%
Comparable (8)
    2019    % of Rev.    2018 (4)    % of Rev.    Δ%
Comparable (8)
Operating income (6)   6,338    13.2%   5,952    13.4%   6.5%        12,070    12.8%   11,718    13.2%   3.0%     
Depreciation   2,218         2,065         7.4%        4,493         4,048         11.0%     
Amortization and other operative non-cash charges   625         709         -12.0%        1,193         1,125         6.0%     
Operating cash flow (6)(7)   9,180    19.1%   8,726    19.6%   5.2%   9.2%   17,756    18.8%   16,891    19.0%   5.1%   10.1%
CAPEX   2,407         2,404         0.1%        3,961         4,016         -1.4%     


(1)Except volume and average price per unit case figures.
(2)Please refer to pages 14 and 15 for revenue breakdown.
(3)Includes equity method in Jugos del Valle, Leao Alimentos, Estrella Azul, among others.
(4)According to IFRS 5, figures from 2018 do not include the Philippines as it is presented as a discontinued operation as of January 1, 2018.
(5)Includes equity method in PIASA, IEQSA, Beta San Miguel, IMER and KSP Participacoes among others.
(6)The operating income and operating cash flow lines are presented as non-gaap measures for the convenience of the reader.
(7)Operating cash flow = operating income + depreciation, amortization & other operating non-cash charges.
(8)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.


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Millions of Pesos (1)



   For the Second Quarter of:   For the First Six Months of: 
   2019   % of Rev.   2018   % of Rev.   Δ%
 Comparable (6)
   2019   % of Rev.   2018   % of Rev.   Δ%
Comparable (6)
Transactions (million transactions)   3,060.6         3,072.2         -0.4%   -1.8%   5,749.0         5,746.2         0.0%   -2.6%
Volume (million unit cases)   554.7         552.2         0.5%   -0.5%   1,032.7         1,027.1         0.5%   -1.3%
Average price per unit case   52.28         47.78         9.4%        52.09         47.37         10.0%     
Net revenues   29,001         26,383                   53,789         48,652                
Other operating revenues   7         9                   42         17                
Total Revenues (2)   29,008    100.0%   26,392    100.0%   9.9%   9.2%   53,831    100.0%   48,669    100.0%   10.6%   8.3%
Cost of goods sold   14,842    51.2%   13,511    51.2%             27,884    51.8%   25,305    52.0%          
Gross profit   14,166    48.8%   12,881    48.8%   10.0%   9.3%   25,946    48.2%   23,365    48.0%   11.1%   8.8%
Operating expenses   9,130    31.5%   8,719    33.0%             17,686    32.9%   16,585    34.1%          
Other operative expenses, net   422    1.5%   276    1.0%             535    1.0%   172    0.4%          
Operative equity method (gain) loss in associates (3)   87    0.3%   85    0.3%             123    0.2%   144    0.3%          
Operating income (4)   4,527    15.6%   3,800    14.4%   19.1%   18.6%   7,603    14.1%   6,463    13.3%   17.6%   16.1%
Depreciation, amortization & other operating non-cash charges   1,758    6.1%   1,814    6.9%             3,454    6.4%   3,247    6.7%          
Operating cash flow (4)(5)   6,285    21.7%   5,614    21.3%   12.0%   11.4%   11,057    20.5%   9,710    20.0%   13.9%   11.8%


(1)Except volume and average price per unit case figures.
(2)Please refer to pages 14 and 15 for revenue breakdown.
(3)Includes equity method in Jugos del Valle, Estrella Azul, among others.
(4)The operating income and operating cash flow lines are presented as non-gaap measures for the convenience of the reader.
(5)Operating cash flow = operating income + depreciation, amortization & other operating non-cash charges.
(6)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.




Millions of Pesos (1)



   For the Second Quarter of:   For the First Six Months of: 
   2019   % of Rev.   2018   % of Rev.   Δ%
 Comparable (6)
   2019   % of Rev.   2018   % of Rev.   Δ%
Comparable (6)
Transactions (million transactions)   1,951.8         1,808.2         7.9%   7.6%   4,101.2         3,819.7         7.4%   7.8%
Volume (million unit cases)   286.2         270.8         5.7%   5.4%   604.5         583.8         3.5%   4.9%
Average price per unit case   53.88         56.29         -4.3%        54.10         57.20         -5.4%     
Net revenues   18,671         18,085                   40,120         39,821                
Other operating revenues   299         93                   493         201                
Total Revenues (2)   18,970    100.0%   18,177    100.0%   4.4%   15.9%   40,614    100.0%   40,022    100.0%   1.5%   14.7%
Cost of goods sold   11,034    58.2%   10,201    56.1%             23,465    57.8%   22,314    55.8%          
Gross profit   7,937    41.8%   7,976    43.9%   -0.5%   11.8%   17,149    42.2%   17,708    44.2%   -3.2%   10.6%
Operating expenses   5,906    31.1%   5,649    31.1%             12,277    30.2%   12,153    30.4%          
Other operative expenses, net   233    1.2%   194    1.1%             433    1.1%   329    0.8%          
Operative equity method (gain) loss in associates (3)   (14)   -0.1%   (18)   -0.1%             (29)   -0.1%   (28)   -0.1%          
Operating income (4)   1,811    9.5%   2,152    11.8%   -15.8%   2.4%   4,467    11.0%   5,255    13.1%   -15.0%   4.1%
Depreciation, amortization & other operating non-cash charges   1,084    5.7%   961    5.3%             2,232    5.5%   1,925    4.8%          
Operating cash flow (4)(5)   2,895    15.3%   3,112    17.1%   -7.0%   4.1%   6,699    16.5%   7,181    17.9%   -6.7%   6.9%


(1)Except volume and average price per unit case figures.
(2)Please refer to pages 14 and 15 for revenue breakdown.
(3)Includes equity method in Leao Alimentos, Verde Campo, among others.
(4)The operating income and operating cash flow lines are presented as non-gaap measures for the convenience of the reader.
(5)Operating cash flow = operating income + depreciation, amortization & other operating non-cash charges.
(6)Please refer to page 9 for our definition of “comparable” and a description of the factors affecting the comparability of our financial and operating performance.


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Millions of Pesos


Assets  Jun-19   Dec-18   % Var. 
Current Assets               
Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities   23,486    23,727    -1%
Total accounts receivable   11,530    14,847    -22%
Inventories   10,020    10,051    0%
Other current assets   8,900    8,865    0%
Total current assets   53,936    57,490    -6%
Non-Current Assets               
Property, plant and equipment   106,874    106,259    1%
Accumulated depreciation   (46,393)   (44,316)   5%
Total property, plant and equipment, net   60,481    61,942    -2%
Right of use assets   1,552    -    NA 
Investment in shares   10,618    10,518    1%
Intangible assets and other assets   115,709    116,804    -1%
Other non-current assets   17,434    17,033    2%
Total Assets   259,730    263,788    -2%


   June 30, 2019 
Debt Mix  % Total Debt
   % Interest Rate
Floating (1) (2)
Mexican Pesos   58.5%   10.9%   8.4%
U.S. Dollars   8.9%   0.0%   3.9%
Colombian Pesos   1.7%   100.0%   5.5%
Brazilian Reals   29.0%   1.7%   7.8%
Uruguayan Pesos   1.6%   0.0%   10.0%
Argentine Pesos   0.3%   20.0%   65.5%
Total Debt   100%   4.6%   8.0%


(1)After giving effect to cross- currency swaps.
(2)Calculated by weighting each year´s outstanding debt balance mix.


Financial Ratios  LTM 2019   FY 2018   Δ% 
Net debt including effect of hedges (1)(3)   51,670    56,934    -9.2%
Net debt including effect of hedges / Operating cash flow (1)(3)   1.39    1.61      
Operating cash flow/ Interest expense, net (1)   6.07    5.40      
Capitalization (2)   40.2%   40.5%     


(1)Net debt = total debt – cash
(2)Total debt / (long-term debt + shareholders' equity)
(3)After giving effect to cross-currency swaps.


Liabilities & Equity  Jun-19   Dec-18   % Var. 
Current Liabilities               
Short-term bank loans and notes payable   16,726    11,604    44%
Suppliers   15,993    19,746    -19%
Short-term leasing Liabilities   487    -      
Other current liabilities   20,142    14,174    42%
Total current liabilities   53,347    45,524    17%
Non-Current Liabilities               
Long-term bank loans and notes payable   58,863    70,201    -16%
Long Term Leasing Liabilities   1,076    -      
Other long-term liabilities   17,254    16,313    6%
Total liabilities   130,540    132,037    -1%
Non-controlling interest   6,942    6,807    2%
Total controlling interest   122,248    124,943    -2%
Total equity   129,190    131,750    -2%
Total Liabilities and Equity   259,730    263,788    -2%



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   2Q 2019   2Q 2018 (3)   YoY 
   Sparkling   Water (1)   Bulk (2)   Stills   Total   Sparkling   Water (1)   Bulk (2)   Stills   Total   Δ % 
Mexico   357.1    28.3    77.6    31.5    494.5    360.9    29.0    76.4    32.4    498.7    -0.8%
Central America   51.6    3.2    0.1    5.4    60.2    45.5    2.6    0.1    5.2    53.5    12.6%
Mexico and Central America   408.7    31.4    77.8    36.8    554.7    406.4    31.6    76.5    37.7    552.2    0.5%
Colombia   48.6    5.8    4.6    3.2    62.2    47.3    5.9    4.7    3.9    61.8    0.6%
Brazil   157.9    10.4    1.6    13.1    183.1    150.0    9.7    1.6    9.6    170.8    7.2%
Argentina   25.5    3.1    0.9    2.0    31.6    31.0    3.6    1.0    2.5    38.1    -17.2%
Uruguay   8.6    0.7    -    0.1    9.4    -    -    -    -    -    NA 
South America   240.6    20.0    7.1    18.4    286.2    228.3    19.2    7.3    16.0    270.8    5.7%
TOTAL   649.3    51.5    84.8    55.2    840.9    634.6    50.8    83.8    53.7    823.0    2.2%


(1)Excludes water presentations larger than 5.0 Lt ; includes flavored water.
(2)Bulk Water = Still bottled water in 5.0, 19.0 and 20.0 - liter packaging presentations; includes flavored water




   2Q 2019   2Q 2018 (3)   YoY 
   Sparkling   Water   Stills   Total   Sparkling   Water   Stills   Total   Δ % 
Mexico   2,112.7    181.6    265.6    2,559.8    2,154.8    211.5    261.2    2,627.5    -2.6%
Central America   414.2    24.5    62.1    500.8    364.9    16.0    63.7    444.7    12.6%
Mexico and Central America   2,526.9    206.1    327.7    3,060.6    2,519.8    227.5    325.0    3,072.2    -0.4%
Colombia   352.8    77.8    33.9    464.5    348.0    82.2    44.4    474.5    -2.1%
Brazil   1,047.8    91.6    117.5    1,256.9    936.1    82.2    107.2    1,125.5    11.7%
Argentina   147.4    19.5    15.9    182.8    169.5    20.5    18.1    208.2    -12.2%
Uruguay   43.8    3.0    0.8    47.6    -    -    -    -    - 
South America   1,591.7    191.9    168.2    1,951.8    1,453.6    184.9    169.7    1,808.2    7.9%
TOTAL   4,118.6    398.0    495.8    5,012.5    3,973.3    412.4    494.7    4,880.4    2.7%




Expressed in million Mexican Pesos  2Q 2019   2Q 2018 (3)   Δ % 
Mexico   24,474    22,437    9.1%
Central America   4,534    3,955    14.6%
Mexico and Central America   29,008    26,392    9.9%
Colombia   3,220    3,493    -7.8%
Brazil (4)   13,265    12,318    7.7%
Argentina   1,731    2,366    -26.8%
Uruguay   754    -    - 
South America   18,970    18,177    4.4%
 TOTAL   47,978    44,569    7.6%


(3)Volume, transactions and revenues for 2Q 2018 are re-presented excluding the Philippines.
(4)Brazil includes beer revenues of Ps.3,253.3 million for the second quarter of 2019 and Ps. 2,842.6 million for the same period of the previous year.




(1)Volume is expressed in unit cases. Unit case refers to 192 ounces of finished beverage product (24 eight-ounce servings) and, when applied to soda fountains, refers to the volume of syrup, powders and concentrate that is required to produce 192 ounces of finished beverage product.
(2)Transactions refers to the number of single units (e.g. a can or a bottle) sold, regardless of their size or volume or whether they are sold individually or in multipacks, except for fountain which represents multiple transactions based on a standard 12 oz. serving.


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   YTD 2019   YTD 2018 (3)   YoY 
   Sparkling   Water (1)   Bulk (2)   Stills   Total   Sparkling   Water (1)   Bulk (2)   Stills   Total   Δ % 
Mexico   661.6    50.2    143.6    60.7    916.1    671.0    54.2    142.9    60.6    928.7    -1.4%
Central America   99.7    6.2    0.3    10.4    116.6    82.3    5.5    0.3    10.2    98.4    18.5%
Mexico and Central America   761.3    56.4    144.0    71.1    1,032.7    753.3    59.7    143.2    70.8    1,027.1    0.5%
Colombia   94.3    12.1    9.3    6.8    122.5    97.7    12.8    9.8    8.2    128.5    -4.6%
Brazil   342.6    24.9    4.0    24.0    395.5    319.3    22.1    3.6    20.6    365.6    8.2%
Argentina   52.9    6.9    1.9    4.6    66.3    71.8    8.9    2.5    6.5    89.7    -26.1%
Uruguay   18.2    1.7    -    0.1    20.0    -    -    -    -    -    NA 
South America   508.0    45.6    15.2    35.5    604.3    488.8    43.8    15.9    35.3    583.8    3.5%
TOTAL   1,269.2    102.0    159.2    106.6    1,637.0    1,242.1    103.5    159.1    106.1    1,610.9    1.6%


(1)Excludes water presentations larger than 5.0 Lt ; includes flavored water.
(2)Bulk Water = Still bottled water in 5.0, 19.0 and 20.0 - liter packaging presentations; includes flavored water




   YTD 2019   YTD 2018 (3)   YoY 
   Sparkling   Water   Stills   Total   Sparkling   Water   Stills   Total   Δ % 
Mexico   3,940.1    371.2    471.6    4,782.9    4,041.3    394.1    491.6    4,927.0    -2.9%
Central America   797.3    47.7    121.1    966.1    659.8    32.2    127.2    819.2    17.9%
Mexico and Central America   4,737.4    418.9    592.8    5,749.0    4,701.1    426.4    618.8    5,746.2    0.0%
Colombia   686.2    162.6    73.5    922.3    722.4    167.6    90.3    980.4    -5.9%
Brazil   2,228.7    216.4    247.5    2,692.6    1,960.3    190.6    223.3    2,374.2    13.4%
Argentina   307.4    43.0    33.3    383.7    373.9    48.0    43.2    465.1    -17.5%
Uruguay   93.9    7.2    1.5    102.6    -    -    -    -    - 
South America   3,316.2    429.2    355.8    4,101.2    6,763.2    837.5    764.4    8,365.1    -51.0%
TOTAL   8,053.6    848.1    948.5    9,850.2    11,464.3    1,263.9    1,383.1    14,111.3    -30.2%




Expressed in million Mexican Pesos  YTD 2019   YTD 2018 (3)   Δ % 
Mexico   45,049    41,521    8.5%
Central America   8,782    7,148    22.9%
Mexico and Central America   53,831    48,669    10.6%
Colombia   6,409    7,093    -9.6%
Brazil (4)   28,778    27,166    5.9%
Argentina   3,774    5,763    -34.5%
Uruguay   1,653    -    - 
South America   40,614    40,022    1.5%
TOTAL   94,444    88,692    6.5%


(3)Volume, transactions and revenues for Year to date are re-presented excluding the Philippines.
(4)Brazil includes beer revenues of Ps. 7,419.9 million for the first six months of 2019 and Ps. 6,429.1 million for the same period of the previous year.




(1)Volume is expressed in unit cases. Unit case refers to 192 ounces of finished beverage product (24 eight-ounce servings) and, when applied to soda fountains, refers to the volume of syrup, powders and concentrate that is required to produce 192 ounces of finished beverage product.
(2)Transactions refers to the number of single units (e.g. a can or a bottle) sold, regardless of their size or volume or whether they are sold individually or in multipacks, except for fountain which represents multiple transactions based on a standard 12 oz. serving.


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Inflation (1)            
   LTM   2Q19   YTD 
 Mexico   4.15%   -0.11%   -0.08%
 Colombia   3.37%   0.99%   2.76%
 Brazil   4.38%   1.15%   2.35%
 Argentina   58.81%   10.84%   22.81%
 Costa Rica   2.57%   0.60%   0.82%
 Panama   0.08%   0.78%   0.69%
 Guatemala   4.32%   0.95%   2.60%
 Nicaragua   6.30%   4.10%   4.40%
 Uruguay   7.28%   0.80%   5.01%


(1)Source: inflation estimated by the company based on historic publications from the Central Bank of each country.


Average Exchange Rates for each period (2)


   Quarterly Exchange Rate
(Local Currency per USD)
   Quarterly Exchange Rate
(Local Currency per USD)
   2Q19   2Q18   Δ %   YTD 19   YTD 18   Δ % 
Mexico   19.12    19.37    -1.3%   19.17    19.07    0.6%
Colombia   3,239.81    2,840.31    14.1%   3,187.08    2,850.34    11.8%
Brazil   3.92    3.61    8.6%   3.84    3.43    12.2%
Argentina   43.96    23.53    86.8%   41.53    21.62    92.1%
Costa Rica   595.98    569.03    4.7%   602.97    570.49    5.7%
Panama   1.00    1.00    0.0%   1.00    1.00    0.0%
Guatemala   7.67    7.44    3.1%   7.70    7.40    3.9%
Nicaragua   32.92    31.36    5.0%   32.73    31.17    5.0%
Uruguay   34.85    30.07    15.9%   33.84    29.27    15.6%


End-of-period Exchange Rates


   Closing Exchange Rate
(Local Currency per USD)
   Closing Exchange Rate
(Local Currency per USD)
   Jun-19   Jun-18   Δ %   Mar-19   Mar-18   Δ % 
Mexico   19.17    19.86    -3.5%   19.38    18.34    5.6%
Colombia   3,205.67    2,930.80    9.4%   3,174.79    2,780.47    14.2%
Brazil   3.83    3.86    -0.6%   3.90    3.32    17.2%
Argentina   42.46    28.85    47.2%   43.35    20.15    115.1%
Costa Rica   583.64    570.08    2.4%   602.36    569.31    5.8%
Panama   1.00    1.00    0.0%   1.00    1.00    0.0%
Guatemala   7.71    7.49    2.9%   7.68    7.40    3.8%
Nicaragua   33.12    31.55    5.0%   32.72    31.16    5.0%
Uruguay   35.18    31.47    11.8%   32.39    28.76    12.6%


(2)Average exchange rate for each period computed with the average exchange rate of each month.


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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the

registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf of the

undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


  By: /s/ Gerardo Estrada Attolini
    Gerardo Estrada Attolini
    Director of Corporate Finance


Date: July 25, 2019